Yesterday we went out sledding and managed to do it for an hour or so with the help of the hot chocolate and warm coffee that my friend brought in a thermos.
It's really cold and very beautiful. Today we went to our friend's house and after that I took a short walk with Carlotta, but couldn't resist long as our faces and fingers were aching from the cold.
Before these extremely cold days we went to my sister and Carlotta had a nice ride with her Shetland pony Perfecta. Just in time before it got too cold!
Two days ago we went to see the beach were we go in summer. Now it looked quite different!
Yesterday I went out with my sister's daughter. It has become a tradition for us to go out for dinner and this time we also went to the cinema to see a Finnish film "Nuotin vierestä" which happened to have been filmed in my home town, Kotka. It has been a nice and relaxing winter holiday for us here in Finland.