lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

Week 48 - Finally at the hairdresser's

Finally we had time to go to the hairdresser's one afternoon when it had rained so much that we couldn't go horse riding. We went to Ostia where we have a hairdresser where you don't need to make any appointment, you just go inside and wait. But it was closed. So we found another one and as we looked closer at it we found out that it was a Chinese one. The girls didn't want to go there in the first place, they were a bit suspicious and thought that they were able to do only chinese haircuts. But in we went and I must say that it was much better than our usual one. And very inexpensive it was, as well.
Here's a photo of me and Carlotta with our new haircuts. Sofia didn't want her photo taken, but she was very cute. She let them thin her hair out quite a bit because she thought it was too puffy.

Week 47 - Carlotta's first riding competition

On Saturday it was finally time for Carlotta to have her first riding competition. The first time is always the most exciting one! It was a dressage competition. She partecipated with the pony Angel and everything went well. She won the sixth place and was so happy about the day and said that she would have liked to do it all over again.

Week 46 - Week-end in Turin

We had a nice week-end in Turin this week. Armando ran the marathon there. He had won a free registration to the marathon and a night in a nice hotel in the centre of Turin.
I had never been to Turin and had imagined it would be a bigger and more chaotic town. I was surpriced that it had this small town feeling and that you could easily walk and see the whole town by foot. It's also a very elegant town with all its chocolate shops and beautiful cafés. When we arrived there on Saturday it rained a lot. One good thing about Turin is that the whole centre of is full of arcades to walk under, so you didn't get wet.
The Egyptian museum in Turin has a very big and important collection. We went to see it on Saturday when it was raining and the whole family found it interesting. Especially the sight of the mummies was quite an experience.
We got to know a nice couple at the welcoming cocktail in the hotel and had a nice dinner with them in a Sicilian restaurant near our hotel. They had a 10-year-old boy and although he wasn't quite the same age as Sofia, Carlotta and Daniele, they also had a good time with this family. Hope to see them again at another marathon trip!
The marathon was on Sunday and the weather was good that day. I ran the 7,5 km Stracittadina run that started right after the marathon. No one of my children wanted to join me, so I went alone. I hadn't been running as much as during spring and summer, but I managed to run quite a bit of it. When I got tired I walked and took some photos of the beautiful park we ran through. 
I think also the surroundings of Turin would be worth seeing, but maybe another time! Sunday evening we had the flight back to Rome.

domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Week 45 - Walk on the beach

This week there was a weather alert in Rome and the schools were closed one day. It did rain, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as the weather forecast had foreseen. The next day me and Carlotta had breakfast and a walk on the beach in Ostia. The sea is always affascinating and beautiful, also in autumn and winter.

Week 44 - Halloween

Carlotta had a Halloween competition with the ponies at the riding school. Then me and Carlotta went trick or treating with a friend of hers and had dinner with them and Sofia remained at the riding stables where they had a Halloween dinner.
We made small ghosts and hung them in our apricot tree.

Week 43 - Beautiful sunsets

This week the sky turned really beautiful when the sun went down. All those colours! Our riding school is a good place to see beautiful sunsets and here is one of them.

Week 42 - Week-end in Alviano

Time to catch up with this year's week photos!
Week 42, which was in the middle of October, we came back from Chicago and me, Sofia and Carlotta spent the week-end in Alviano in Umbria where Sofia had a show jumping competition. We found a flat a couple of kilometres from the horse stables, where we slept together with our friends. We saw beautiful sunsets, I went out jogging in the countryside once, we cooked good meals in our flat and also had dinner in a nice restaurant nearby.
Sofia got two third places and one day went not so well, but we had a good time.

martedì 23 dicembre 2014

Merry Christmas

I have sent self made christmas cards every year with a printed christmas photo of my children. But this year I just didn't make it. My eldest one, Daniele didn't want to pose for the photo amd I was too busy working to insist or to create something from other photos that I have of them, so this was what I came out with this year. I had some fun testing the bokeh effect. And this year I sent out my Christmas greetings only electronically. But I guess it's better than nothing! Merry Christmas!