Finally back on-line after problems with my internet connection! I guess am really internet "addicted", so it feels so wonderful now that it's working again!A few weeks ago the whole family made a 4-days trip to to London together with our friends, Marzia and her family. She also recently opened her blog Il vaso di Pandora. Me and the children have made a few trips with them before, but it was the first time with our husbands. We walked a lot, saw a lot and skipped lots of things that we would have liked to see, so we hope to be back there soon again. I really like London and the most surprising thing was that our 4-year-old Carlotta said she didn't want to go back home yet, she wanted to live there! Our friends left a day earlier than we, because my husband wanted to see a football match on the last day.I made a few collages of the photos I took there. I got the templates from the Coffeeshop blog.
Jag var till London för två år sedan på en kort visit. Längtar tillbaks, förstår din dotter. Det finns så oändligt mycket att se! Ha det gott. LissenTo
Grazie Carola, mi hai trovata poi:) Presa dai problemi con il collegamento internet avevo dimenticato di mandarti il link! Sto cercando di mettere le foto del mini album che ho fatto al corso, ma continua a darmi errore. Forse file troppo grandi, adesso riprovo.
Jag var till London för två år sedan på en kort visit. Längtar tillbaks, förstår din dotter. Det finns så oändligt mycket att se!
RispondiEliminaHa det gott. LissenTo
ja london dit vill jag alltid resa:) fina foton!
RispondiEliminaCiao Pia:) Complimenti per il blog e per le foto: sono davvero belle!!!
RispondiEliminaGrazie Carola, mi hai trovata poi:) Presa dai problemi con il collegamento internet avevo dimenticato di mandarti il link! Sto cercando di mettere le foto del mini album che ho fatto al corso, ma continua a darmi errore. Forse file troppo grandi, adesso riprovo.
RispondiEliminaTack för era kommentarer, LissenTo och Nallebrum!