The choice of candy in the Finnish super markets is huge compared to the Italian ones. When we leave Finland after our summer holiday I take the children to a super market to buy candy. I usually never buy candy, only when we have a birthday party. Each of them gets a certain amount of money to spend. Daniele wanted to go to a bigger super market this year with even more choice, but I refused to and said that if he wanted to he could go there by bike and I would give him the money. I thought there was quite enough choice in the one where we went last year with all three children choosing, counting how much money they got left and when I thought they finally were ready they quickly had to leave something to take something else instead and so on, until I was quite exhausted. In the end Daniele decided to come with us. This tradition started when I started buying them a candy box in the aero plane when we left Finland. Last summer, I think it was Daniele who asked me if he could buy his candy in Finland instead so he could choose what he wanted to with the same amount of money. Well, here is a lay out showing my happy children with their sweets in front of them.
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