Also Carlotta has become a horse girl now. She had her first little club competition at the riding school where she started riding in October. She had such a good time that she would have liked to do do the whole day again. She does something called pony games or mounted games where you do different games together with the pony and compete against another team. I think it's a really good way for small children to start riding. An important part of the lesson is also taking care of the pony and Carlotta loves these sweet ponies with their soft coat and long mane.
Thanks to maybemej for the nice template!
Snyggt. kul att få se att ngn får användning av det jag gör. Hoppas att livet i Italy är bra. =) Ser så härligt ut på dina foton. Den varma källan ser ju bara så underbar ut att besöka. har aldrig vart i italien... men jag vill absolut dit ngn gång. Verkar underbart. jag älskar ju maten. =) trevlig helg på dig.