mercoledì 19 novembre 2014

Week 40 - Sofia's 14th birthday

This week was Sofia's 14th birthday. We made a cake for the riding school and had a little celebration there after our lesson. We had to interrupt our riding lesson as it started raining hard, so we went in to the clubhouse for a piece of cake. Then in the evening we went out eating to our usual Pizzeria near our house and came home for the birthday cake and the presents. Sofia likes the birthday cakes I make most and has become very good at making them herself. We made it together. Maybe it wasn't the most beautiful birthday cake in the world, but it tasted very good!
Sofia is right in her teens now and not always easy to reach and talk with, but I'm so glad that we have a common hobby, horse riding, so we can spend lots of time together. Also the relationship between her and the horse and all her riding friends is so positive, I hope it will last!

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