I had no work in the beginning of the week, so I started the week by going to Ostia with my friend to ask about prices in different beaches for next summer. There are free beach areas here, but most of the beaches are private and have restaurants, bars, sun chairs etc. and in summer you have to pay an entrance fee to get in. One of them has a gym inside and we got a free entrance to try it, so the next day we went there to join a water gym class. We got there a bit late, because I had problems with our door in the morning. As usual, me and Carlotta left the house in a hurry to get to school. As I had closed the door I noticed that I had taken the bag with my swimming suit, but I had left Carlottas school bag inside. So I started opening the door and when I tried to turn the key in the lock it was blocked. After trying long enough I phoned my husband and asked him to come and try with his key. Fortunately his work place is quite close to our house, so he came and when he came he said that he had left his key at home. We then realized that he must have left his key in the lock inside and that's why it was impossible to turn the key. We had to call a locksmith. He managed to open the door with a piece of rigid paper, so now I know what I have to put inside my bag, because that's the way to open the door if you happen to close the door and leave the keys inside.
Anyway, the water gym class was good and afterwards we went to the jacuzzi and the turkish bath and felt so relaxed afterwards!
There was some rain also this week. The photo of Daniele standing in the water is in front of our house where I park my car!
Fortunately the nice weather returned in the week-end and we were able to go riding on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday my husband ran the Rome marathon. First we went to see Daniele's football match and then off to the centre of Rome in time to see him 1 km before the arrival. The marathon went well and afterwards we had lunch at a restaurant in the centre together with his mother. In the evening it started raining again, but at least the timing was good - a nice week-end! Saturday night we also went to the cinema to see a very good Italian film - Buongiorno papà.
The girls have noticed that our medlar tree has become strong and big enough to climb on. Nice!