martedì 7 febbraio 2012

Week 5 and snow

Last week it started to get really cold here in Rome and after the rest of Rome already got some snow on Friday, here where we live, close to the sea, it arrived a bit later, during the night between Friday and Saturday. So we woke up seeing a white layer of snow everywhere! The schools in Rome were closed on Friday because the weather forecast had forseen snow and they stayed closed also on Monday and Tuesday. Where we live it really wasn't necessary, as most of the snow had disappeared already on Sunday and the streets weren't more slippery than on other winter days, but I guess the situation was worse in other parts of Rome.

I partecipated in the 52 weeks project with this photo. Throwing snow balls at the beach is something you can't do very often here.

Carlotta and Daniele both slept over at their friends´ houses, but I went out in the garden with Carlotta so she could play with the snow before it melted.
Then we went to see the snow at the beach of Ostia with all thre children and our friends.
So strange to see snow on the streets here!

2 commenti:

  1. Så kul att få se lite bilder från där ni bor. Så ni har också snö.. brukar det vara det så här års hos er. Här är det kallt. i vissa delar har det varit 40 gr.. Brrrr. vi har bara runt 6 minus idag men ska till sälen ikväll och där är det -25 grader. =)
    kram på dig.

  2. Brrr, ja, det tycks vara kallt i hela Europa! Vi brukar ALDRIG ha snö här och om det snöar någon gång så smälter det genast, så den här synen var verkligen ovanlig! Nu finns det ingen snö mera, men det kanske kommer igen på veckoslutet!
